Tuesday, May 5, 2009

After two weeks of posting over 100 "head diagrams" in over 12 locations in the loop including:
-Starbucks (2 locations)
-Old Navy
-Argo Tea
-McDonald's (2 locations)
-SAIC Sharp building 3rd floor bathroom
-Caribou Coffee
-Intelligentsia (2 locations)
Most of the posters did not last over 2 hours. Only Old Navy and the SAIC Sharp building left them up.
Very few men's bathrooms were used (only posted in Caribou, McDonald's and Sharp). This is an aspect of the project I wish had changed.
The conclusion I have reached, having to do with the question; What happens when people are encouraged to make art in a personal public space, a bathroom stall?, is that people draw and write profanity (with a few interesting and important exceptions) because that is what they want to draw when they are not being watched. It is as though because they have reign to write what they want, they choose to write what otherwise would be looked down upon. Thanks for reading.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cute, very cute.

Here is another example of people participating part in public art.

The Blank
You can save this image to downloads and
post your own.
Chicago! We are, does not promote vandalism.

Friday, May 1, 2009

SAIC Sharp Building
37 N. Wabash St.
May 2nd,
8:00 pm

SAIC Sharp Building
37 N. Wabash
April 31st
12:30 pm

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"I would rather you hate me than ignore me"

Papergirl #3 from Papergirl on Vimeo.

-Wheat Paste in establishment, leave markers
-Check to see/document subjects
-Update blog with results.